How We Help

Local Government Support

We are committed to supporting the long-term financial sustainability of our local government clients in providing low-cost debt finance, secure investments, fx and specialist financial advice.

We support the development of local communities by providing a range of products and services to Western Australian local governments (LGs). Our Team actively promote and assist local governments in the appropriate use and effective management of debt finance and investments.

Expertise and experience

Our team have been assisting LGs for more than 30 years.

Primary provider of debt funding

At 30 June 2023, loans to WA local governments totalled $642.3 million.

Personalised advice

We take into account the specific needs of your organisation.

Additional resources

Developed specifically to inform and support LGs across the State.

Local Government Loan Applications

To assist Western Australian local governments in accessing loan funds efficiently, WATC have developed a Local Government Loan Application and online simulations. The online simulations provide instructions and assistance on how to complete the loan application.

Loan Application Form

A Loan Application Form is required to be completed for each new borrowing or refinancing of an existing loan. The form is in Excel format and will therefore need to be completed in Excel. The Loan Application Form has three main parts:

  • The first part requests information directly related to the proposed loan and requires the CEO to certify that the information provided is accurate.

  • The second part refers to relevant financial ratios derived from audited financial statements, adopted budget, and forecast financials at the time of the loan application.

  • The third part requires the local government to add any comments or explanations if there are any variations greater than 10% from year to year.

A completed Loan Application Form and documentation supporting the information provided within the Loan Application Form is required to be forwarded to for assessment.

Further information can be accessed from WATC’s client portal by visiting the Local Government Resources page.

Specialist Services for Local Government

Local governments can access a range other products and services at WATC.

Resources for Local Government

Our series of informative resources are designed to assist local governments in managing their debt to improve financial, asset management and service delivery outcomes. The resources provide information relevant to local governments on interest rate markets, debt financing and debt management, and aim to support informed decision making. 

If you would like to discuss any of our resources and how they relate to your specific requirements, please contact our Client Services Team.

  • The Interest Rate Market & The Factors Affecting It – What Local Governments Need to Know

    An overview of the relationship between market ‘reference rates’ and pricing for WATC loans developed for executives and finance professionals in local government.

  • Effective Management of Debt Finance for Local Government

    An overview of the appropriate use of debt finance for local government and the requirement for a market valuation when refinancing or making unscheduled repayments on fixed interest rate loans.

  • Borrowing From WATC or a Private Financial Institution? Important Issues for Local Government.

    An overview of potential differences between the terms, conditions and pricing for the provision of debt finance to local governments by WATC in comparison to a private financial institution.

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Banner images:
- Albany. Image courtesy of Tourism Australia.
elow - Elizabeth Quay, Perth. Image courtesy of Tourism Western Australia.